Regular Meeting on November 14, 2019

North College Park Community Association
November 14, 2019 – Regular Meeting at Davis Hall

Attendance.  Included Mayor Wojahn, Councilmembers Kabir and Kennedy.  A total of 22 members and guests attended.
Meeting.  Called to order at 7:32 pm.
Agenda.  Approved without amendment.
Citizens Against Beltway Expansion (CABE). Carol Macknis provided update of recent meeting; M-NCPPC is against the expansion; American Legion Bridge widening should require independent study of costs and impacts.
Hollywood Pharmacy. Mr. Clement the pharmacist and assistant Bisi presented a PowerPoint about services provided by the pharmacy including custom compounding, pet prescriptions, free prescription delivery, notary services, parcel delivery pickup, and more.  Several NCPCA members expressed their satisfaction as customers of the pharmacy.
Wawa Beltsville.  Ralph Bell (Roadside Development) and Larry Taub (attorney) explained the proposed Detailed Site Plan for a new Wawa on Lot 9 on the west side of US 1 near the Ikea flags.  No variances are necessary.  Larry Bleau moved that ‘NCPCA not stand in opposition to the development’ with Kennis Termini second.  Motion passed with no nays and two abstaining.
Councilmember Kabir reported about several new Doggie Depot stations.
Councilmember Kabir reported about a recent meeting of Prince George’s County Zoning Code Rewrite and the new vs. old map viewing tool.
Mary Cook explained the work of Judy Blumenthal with pro bono attorney related to the Zoning Code Rewrite and NCPCA concerns about current and future impacts.
Major Wojahn reported that US 1 Shoppers Food Warehouse might close in early 2020.
City Council Election & Referendum results were presented and discussed.
Hollywood Commercial Streetscape meeting on Nov. 18 was discussed.
October 10 Minutes. Motion by Carol Macknis, second by Arelis Peres.  Approved with amendment to include full text of all NCPCA candidate forum questions.
Holiday Party.  NCPCA will be having a holiday party at the regular December 12 meeting.  Members can bring something to share.
Treasurer’s Report:  None.
Adjourn.  Meeting adjourned by vote of members at 9:11 pm.